Information Silver Lightstar Ranger
Power Rangers In Space

Name: Silver Lightstar Ranger

Identity: Ericka Lockhearte

Group Affiliation: Astro Force

Weapon: Super Silverizer

Personal Zord: Mega Winger


Silver Lightstar Ranger Ericka joined the Reality Rangers during the transfer of power, after the Zordon Wave hit. Prior to that, she had just been a civilian - one that the Silver Ranger, Zhane, had saved. When the opportunity to become a Power Ranger arose, Ericka chose to take the powers of her hero and rescuer, the Silver Lightstar Ranger. Armed with the Super Silverizer, the Mega Winger, and the Galaxy Cycle, Ericka's first battle was against the evil Zeo Rangers. Teaming up with the Pink Lightstar Ranger, Ericka helped defeat the Pink Zeo Ranger with the Blazer Impact maneuver. During the battle against Havoc, Ericka used the Mega Winger for the first time, using the Wing Blaster to damage the Metallasaurus. During the rescue of Erutan and Jewel, Silver Ranger was given the battlizer to control the Delta Megazord, but gave control to the White Ranger who was accompanying Silver Ranger to the Dark Fortress aboard the Winger. Ericka stayed aboard the Winger, using its fighter capabilities to take down the invading Velocifighters alongside several other Rangers. Returning to Earth, Ericka joined the other Astro Rangers in forming the Mega Voyager, using the Winger's wings to create the Winged Mega Voyager, Astro Force's most powerful MegaZord.

Ericka was relatively quiet after this mission, spending most of her time as a civilian helping out Earth without using her powers. However, when Black Star sent the Power Rangers back in time with the Zeo Crystals, Ericka was transported to Miranoi alongside the other Rangers and became the Silver Ranger once more. The Silver Ranger fought the Red Galaxy Ranger, who was currently fighting the Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger and the Black Mastadon Ranger. Together the three Rangers were able to defeat the Red Galaxy Ranger. Returning to Earth, but still stuck in the past, Ericka got to meet the Great Seer Zordon. Morphing into the Silver Ranger, Ericka used the power of her Digimorpher to combine her powers with the other Rangers in opening a portal back home. Back home, Ericka didn't get much chance to rest, as she was placed in battle against the Super Shadows almost immediately upon returning. When a clone Pink Astro Ranger started attacking NASADA, Ericka summoned the Mega-Winger and assisted the Red and Black Aquitar Rangers in driving the Wing Stinger monster away from NASADA in time to switch into warrior mode and assist the Super ZeoZords, the DragonZord, the Psycho Rangers, and ThunderZords in battling the monster.

Mega Winger Cockpit

The Silver Ranger controls the Mega Winger, a shuttle craft that can fight in both shuttle mode and a warrior mode. In warrior mode, the Mega Winger possesses a powerful weapon known as the Wing Blaster, a row of cannons constructed out of the wings of the shuttle form. The Blaster allows the Silver Ranger to fire several blasts of energy at enemies.

Mega Winger Shuttle

The Mega Winger can give its wings to the Mega Voyager to form the Winged Mega Voyager, allowing the Voyager MegaZord to attack enemies from the sky and destroy them with the Mega V-3 missile.

Winged Mega Voyager

As well, Silver Ranger possesses the Galaxy Cycle, a high speed motorcycle that can move at speeds of close to 300mph and the Galaxy Glider, a high speed space vehicle capable of speeds of close to 500mph.

Mega Winger Warrior

Astro Force
Power Rangers in Space Silver Lightstar Ranger
The World of Two Realities Power Rangers
Biography Index
Green Turbo Ranger
Green Dragon Ranger
Zeo Ranger V
Red Tyrannosaurus Ranger